Corporate Governance
Aged 58, is a vice president and an executive Director of our Company. Dr. Mei is responsible for supply chain management, project management, chain store development and internal audit of our Group. Prior to establishing our Group, Dr. Mei served as a medical doctor in Nantong Women and Children Health Clinic (南通市婦幼保健院) from September 1986 to December 1999. Dr. Mei, as a co-founder of our Group, has been a director of Nantong Rich Hospital since its inception and as director of the majority of our Group companies. Dr. Mei is not and has not been a director of any other listed company in Hong Kong or overseas in the past three years. Dr. Mei graduated from Yangzhou College of Medicine (揚州醫學院) (currently known as Yangzhou University School of Medicine) majoring in clinical medicine in August 1986. Dr. Mei is the spouse of Dr. Fang.