Corporate Governance
Aged 58, is the chairman of the Board, an executive Director and the chief executive officer of
our Company. Dr. Fang is responsible for managing the overall business operations and strategic planning of our Group.
Dr. Fang has over 26 years of experience in the healthcare industry and is a founder of our Group. Prior to establishing
our Group, Dr. Fang served as a medical doctor in the Affiliated Hospital of Nantong University (南通大學附屬醫院) from
September 1986 to July 1992. In 1992, Dr. Fang first ventured into the healthcare industry and set up Jiangsu Tayoi
Cosmetics Co., Ltd. (江蘇東洋之花化妝品股份有限公司) and has been its director since then. Dr. Fang established the first
company of our Group, Nantong Rich Hospital, in August 2000. He has also served as an executive director of the majority
of our Group companies. Dr. Fang is not and has not been a director of any other listed company in Hong Kong or overseas
in the past three years. Dr. Fang graduated from Yangzhou College of Medicine (揚州醫學院) (currently known as Yangzhou
University School of Medicine) majoring in medicine in August 1986 and an EMBA from Tsinghua University in July 2006,
and obtained a doctor degree of business administration from University of Minnesota in 2018.